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Tag: json

Node.js convert directory tree to JSON

What is expected?: I would like to convert the below listed directory structure into a single JSON file. The directory structure contains JSON files that are supposed to be included in the output file as well. Limitations: Node.js Questions: What would be a good/efficient way to generate the desired output, using Node.js + Modules? Logically, what would be the necessary

Why is my .empty() not emptying the parent element?

I cannot get the jQuery empty method to work on my appended HTML elements. It’s quite a simple problem seemingly, but it has me beat. I’ve tried moving the empty method around in the code but I still cannot get it to empty. Edit: It will not let me edit this unless there is more text so here is some

How can I update some array entries to have multiple values?

I have an array as such: I want to be able to add further information to this array, eg: I’ve tried a few different things like: With no results (or errors). Is there a way to do this? Or a better way of handling this issue? Answer I’m not entirely certain what you’re going for here since you mention wanting

Autodesk Design Automation “Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘ForgeConfiguration.ClientId’)”

I´ve downloaded the Forge Design Automation sample from the following link: But the downloable code example is not working fine. When any async method who involves the DesignAutomation API is called I get -> Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘ForgeConfiguration.ClientId’). So, I would like to know how it works and how I can set the ClientId in the ForgeConfiguration

How to get particular data values from JSON Node.js?

This is my JSON file output: How I get id, name and email from that like below: Answer If your array has only one element you can just access the info, no need to build another array like this: employees[0].id , employees[0].name, employees[0].email or you can just extract an object using Object Destructuring but if your array has more employees,
