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Tag: jquery

Appending dropdown selection to url

I’m trying to append the dropdown selection to the url. This selection part Then the call sign Final the append to url sign But as the result comes &adults=object%… instead of &adults=1 or 2 or 3 or 4. Answer If you want to get the value: However, if you want to get the selected text from drop-down: Refer to this

JQuery .autocomplete not found?

I am trying to give my search bar autocomplete function. I am getting this error: Answer The jQuery (or any javascript API in general) API might not be found for a various number of reasons. Usually the problem is caused by the jQuery javascript code not being loaded at the moment your script executes. This can be due to a

How to overcome hover issue in Cypress?

I faced Cypress hover problem regarding access to a sub menu appearing after hovering on main menu item. The error is This element is not visible because it has CSS property: position: fixed and it’s being covered by another element:. I tried to use workarounds recommended by Cypress but did not succeed. Cypress documentation says “Using .trigger() will only

How can one get this value of a span with jQuery?

If we have this span, how can I get the value of sip, i.e. Right now I use to get the entire value of the span, but I don’t know how to get the value of sip with jQuery. I don’t think this screenshot is necessary, but I’ll add it for completion: Answer Use jQuery.attr to get the value

Function not being called by document.addEventListener(‘load’

I’m currently trying to build a blog template. On my page, there are post slots that my function change_page loads blog posts onto depending on the current page in sessionStorage (num is added to the page in sessionStorage). There are also buttons with ids prev, next that do the obvious. Currently, this code doesn’t work, since the function startup() is

Enter numbers and print them in JavaScript

I want to make a box for entering a number by the user, and doing simple arithmetic operations on it, and printing the result through a table, consisting of fixed numbers and variables that are the result of the arithmetic operations on it. I made the variables to receive the value and make the calculations, and I prepared a matrix

How do I edit the popups bound to a polygon object

Currently, wherever I click on the map a popup appears with the country’s name. The country is determined by a geoJSON file that has the names and multi-polygon lnglat coordinates that sets the borders for each country to save me entering each one individually. However, I want each popup bound to a leaflet polygon to display various amounts of information

Slow down scrolling page via click in javascript

I can’t find solution how to slow down scrolling on my example. When i click wherever on my picture there are link that scrolling down to text. How can i slow it down on my example? JDFiddleDemo HTML code: JS : I have function scrollInView but it looks like not works on my example. How can i do that on

Masonary image not positioning correctly on ajax call

I am using v4.2.2 and the minimal code looks like: And, I have initalized it as : Upto this point its fine, now on click load more, I am making an ajax call and on success it is returning html as: and my ajax success: But, with this code the image are not aligned to correct position and is
