If I bind a click handler to the body element, when I click anything on the page the event is triggered. I can check the event.target on every click: but that seem a bit overkill. Is there a way to trigger the event only when clicking the blank area of the body itself? Answer You can use the eventPhase property
Tag: jquery-events
The on mouseover only works once? JQuery [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question On hover the link I want the submit button push back so the
Angular JS Handle controller Events
I have an application having a lot of things to save in cascade, imaging a normal master – detail view. In this view I have a “Save All” Button that save each row in an iteration, triggering jQuery custom events, to serialize the saving operations and prevent the generation an uncontrolled queue of requests. Each time a row is saved,
How to apply float property for tabs?
I have designed a html tabs. I applied float property to it. The problem is when I minimize browser tabs are not visible properly. Here the my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/raghavendram040/vn1Leuq3/ and JavaScript is copied from Internet so can any one tell how this JavaScript works and applying float property? It really helps me. Here is JavaScript code: Answer Supress from nav
JQuery Get Data From Onther Div to Li
I want this operations using jQuery. On image click The item should add to the menu. Suppose I click on pizza image the it should add new li in ul with name pizza. When I again click on image 1 that pizza should be gone. This is code: Answer Working Fiddle Your HTML: Some jQuery: Voila!
Binding .click and .blur event handlers
I’m running into a problem binding both a .blur and .click event handler to the same clickable element. The UX I’m going for is as follows: a user clicks on the search icon and the search field appears; when a user clicks again on the search icon, they can collapse and hide the search field. If they click away, the
Issue with calling parent of object onClick
Having a problem with this one-page site where the idea is you click on the links and a box slides down but it also needs a close function to bring it back up. Problem is the close button is in the element to be animated, so it needs to be called by its’ parent, I presume. I’ve tried a variety
Preventing a running event from execution in javascript/jQuery
I am having a drop down as follows. I am having a change event handler which gets invoked when user selects Two, which is as follows . Also, I am having another click event handler which gets invoked when user clicks on Try Manually, which is as follows. So, when user selects Two ,then a message – ‘Processing…TryManually’ gets displayed
Remove click event handler immediately after click
I’ve been trying to remove the click event handler after being clicked once to prevent the event from firing multiple times. I’ve tried .unbind(), .off(), .one() and put each in various different places in the function, but none seem to work. If I use .off() I get a undefined is not a function error. If I use .one() I want
Mirroring input content with non-printable chars like CTRL, ALT or shift key
When non-printable char is pressed, it’s replaced with let’s say for CTRL=17 with “[CTRL]”. Here is code an example the problem is when user presses backspace the second input must reflect the content of the first one, so “[CTRL]” must be deleted at once like any other chars. Answer You could make use of the keyCode and/or in combination with