I have a page that lists a bunch of files. This page can be accessed directly via a URL or it can be loaded in a modal dialog via ajax from a different page. If the files page is loaded via ajax, I would like to allow the user to click the name of the file and trigger an action
Tag: jquery-events
Problems dynamically adding to form (trying to use onChange and appendTo)
I want my form to extend in different ways depending on the selection of a drop down box. I have got my JavaScript working so that onchanging my selection it will carry out something. But I am trying to use the appendTo() method as I have used before; for adding a single input, to work for implementing a div and
livequery doesn’t bind after a DOM insertion
I don’t understand why livequery doesn’t bind the event, but I have to use .click. This is just an example, which might also use the .click(), but in the real code I’m forced to use livequery. Does anyone know why livequery isn’t working? Answer I added a random id to the last comment, then I selected it with $(‘#myid’), not
jQuery UI Autocomplete
I am using jQuery UI’s autocomplete plugin and everything is well and good except for that fact that when a user clicks the value they want the function I have assigned to the “select:” method fires before the value of the field is changed. So if I type “Foo” in the input field, then click the autocomplete match for “Foo
Converting a native js event object to jQuery event object
I want to convert a native JavaScript event object to jQuery event object. Actually this is the problem: I have bound an event handler to documents keyup event via jQuery and there are some text boxes on the page with which a keyup event handler is bound via inline JavaScript. The problem is when the text box’s event handler is
Synchronizing loading js files with ajax calls and loading js files with tag
core.js: me.js CASE 1: CASE 2: The problem is that for case 1 I get an alert, as I should , but for case 2, no alert… So the question is: there is a load event for the <script> tag? Qhat can I use to synchronize the files to work on case 2 (while debugging in IE8, I noticed that
Defer JavaScript execution till the content has been added to Document
I am trying to load some content into a page using Ajax. The html that is loaded contains some JavaScript code. Even though the code is wrapped within $(document).ready, it gets executed before the content is inserted into the document, because the parent document’s Dom is ready by the time the content is loaded. How can I defer the execution
The best way to bind event on a cell element
I’ve a web page fulfilled by a JS script that creates a lot of HTML tables. Number of <table> created can vary between 1 and 1000 with 100 cells in each of it. My question is : how to bind efficiently the click on theses tables? Should I bind the click on each cell of the <table> or directly to
Fire a function on a element
I need to add a color picker to some input elements. I’m using: This works perfectly. The problem is that the page has a AJAX form, which – when submitted – will overwrite the previous form with a new one (new input fields etc). After that the colorPicker stops working. So how can I fire that function to the newly
How to serialize current div by using $(this).parent() with JQuery?
I am trying to serialize the current div by using a clickevent. See code for good explanation: Alert will show nothing, which means the div is not being serialized. This is the html in question. It’s inside a dialog, which is also the reason why I have to use live(). Also this code is working without a problem to remove