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Tag: html

Create a json file from a html form

I have a html form and I want to create a json-file with data introduced in html fields. Right now, it is visible in console json-text but it doesn’t create a new json-file with this content. Also,I have an error, Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined. Answer It seems you are on the frontend. You can’t write files like this

Console log returning empty value when calling for input field variable

Why is console.log returning an empty line when calling for a text input’s variable. HTML Javascript I tried the actual form and its console.log worked perfectly on submit, but somehow the value for ticketSubject seems to be empty. Here’s the subject field: But it returns nothing: Answer You’re reading the value of the input immediately when the page first loads,

HTML canvas not producing image from web cam

I want to capture image every time socket.on(‘takePic’) gets triggered. It works fine for the first time. but when the socket.on(‘takePic’) gets triggered second time,the canvas div is just blank and so the img tag. I have copied the takePicture() function from somewhere and added the setInterval() and localstream variable to stop camera. how can I fix this? here is

Multiple Slideshow not working properly. Any Clue?

So basically, I’m trying to create multiple slideshows on the page with dots to switch between the slides (because I’ve already tried the arrow type button and it doesn’t workout for me idk), and the issue is that when I use more than one slideshow the dots on the first one either stop working or begin switching the below slideshows
