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Tag: gruntjs

Copy all files under specific directory name format in Grunt?

I have translation files under a t9n directory throughout my app…in some component directories, etc. And I’m looking to create a grunt task to copy all those .json files into an assets directory when the app is built. Is there a way to grab all contents under specific directory names? So that I could say….for every directory under app, grab

Can’t install any NPM package, error 4058

I’m trying to install Grunt on my project. It used to work perfectly, but now for some reason, it does not. Every time i try to install Grunt, I got this error: The weird thing is that the missing package change every time. I try verifying the cache, removing the node_modules folder, cleaning the cache using –force. Uninstall NPM and

Npm module “” not found. Is it installed?

This is strange. Using this tutorial: I tried to do get the modules thing in JS. I run npm istall grunt-browserify –save-dev along with the other packages. My package.json file is So the packages are there. I tried removing my nodemodules folder and installing it with npm insatll, but it didn’t help. My grunt.js file is this Still all
