How to make automatically delete rows with multiple sheet in google script based on trigger, I’ve used this script and it worked, but I want this script to be able to use two or more tab sheets at once while the current script only uses one tab sheet. how to use more than one tab sheet in getSheetByName? Can anyone
Tag: google-sheets
Split One Google Sheet into Multiple Sheets based on Column Value – Replace Duplicate Sheets
This is getting to be above my level of knowledge and I was hoping for assistance. The script below works with some limits. This script checks to see if a region tab exists, if it doesn’t, the regional data from the source worksheet is copied to a new tab by the name of that region. Region is column 24 on
Using multiple. gs files in Google App Script
So I am a newbie and learning app script. Is there a way where I can export and import functions from different .gs files? In my, I have the code: and I have a file where some functions live. Now, when I run the script, it throws an error: ReferenceError: msg is not defined Basically, I want to
How to compare dates without including the hour
So there is a column that has the date with the hour and i was trying to create a variable date with the same date, month, year and hour to be able to compare it wiht that date but this didn’t work with me so I thought I would do that by creating the same date but when i compare
Exception: The parameters (String) don’t match the method signature for SpreadsheetApp.Range.setValues
I was coding and i got stuck on this error. It keeps giving me that error “Exception: The parameters (String) don’t match the method signature for SpreadsheetApp.Range.setValues.” on the .setValues line which doesn’t make any sense to me. Here is my code. I tried to debug it and it seem to me it is a number! Here is a picture
How to Append a table with specified data from Google Spreadsheet to Google Doc using Google App Script? [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: How do I insert an array into a Google Doc using data from Google Sheets? (2 answers) Closed 4 months ago. As title, I’ve tried to append a table to Google Docs from Google Spreadsheet using GAS. So far, the post and some scripts I can find is about appending the whole sheet, not
Google Apps Script successfully triggers On Form Submit, but function will not execute
I’m trying to copy a row from the linked form responses sheet “main” to another sheet “sub” if a value in the form response matches a particular criteria, Column 4 = “Subset” I have onFormSubmit set up as a trigger with Deployment – Head, Source – Spreadsheet, Event – On form submit. When I submit the form, the trigger for
How to push 1 D array to a column
I’m trying to push 1D array to a column but Im keep getting that error “Exception: The parameters (number[]) don’t match the method signature for SpreadsheetApp.Range.setValues.” which what I understood is that I cant use setValues for 1D array, it has to be 2D array or more. Here is my code. I tried to add before the setValues statement but
How to pick merged rows and column in mail merge?
How Can I get the merge cells formatting in email? I have data in google sheet and I want to pick the data as it is in the mail. I took reference from the existing question but not able to pick the merged rows and columns in the email but instead of merging the cells, it returns to blank. See
UrlFetchApp.fetch() skip on empty cell
I’ve written a script that gets an image url from a cell in Google Sheets and adds that image to a template in Google Docs. However, when the cell is empty, the script crashes: Really new to programming and would appreciate anyones help as to how to prevent the above code from crashing in the event a cell is empty