I’m trying to access all documents from my firestore collection but it’s throwing this err FirebaseError: Expected type ‘Tc’, but it was: a custom Ac object Answer The getDoc() method is used to get a single document and takes a DocumentReference as a parameter. Here todoRef is a CollectionReference and to fetch multiple documents you must use getDocs() instead:
Tag: google-cloud-firestore
Firebase 9 – How to do new doc ref
Hello guys i’ve been trying to convert this code into modular firebase 9: fb8: const userRef = db.collection(‘Users’).doc(); to fb9: const userRef = doc(db, ‘Users’); But i’m getting this error: FirebaseError: Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but Users has 1. Please help! Answer The doc() method is equivalent to .collection(‘users’).doc(‘docID’) where you need
Firestore: Unable to read document data (Uncaught TypeError: docSnap.exists is not a function at HTMLFormElement)
I am a new developer with no experience in Web apps. I have a collection called “users” in Firestore in which the document IDs are the user’s emails. I am trying to read the data in one of the documents following the example provided by Firebase here I get two errors: First one is the use of “await”: Uncaught SyntaxError:
delete a collection with document and collection again inside (firestore react native)
I am having trouble deleting on firestore here’s my delete but everytime i try to delete nothing happens . There’s no error at all . this is how I set that collection Answer If you want to delete all the docs of the messages (sub)collection, you need to query the collection and delete each document, for example by using Promise.all()
Is there a way to get all data from a firestore database using useCollectionData()?
I have a React project and in it I have the following code: (using this react hook for firebase) Instead of this, I don’t want the query to be ordered or have a limit, is there a way to make an “empty” query to get all the data from a certain collection? Answer If you pass messagesRef instead of a
Firebase Firestore db.collection is not a function
I am developing a shift scheduler and I use firebase authentication and firestore. My idea is that when a user signs up it creates a document in collection “workers” and sets the doc id to the user’s email. When the user adds a shift I want to add the shift info into a sub-collection “shifts” inside that user’s document where
Firebase v9 ,Cannot get document from a nested collection
I feel like it was easier to get subcollection in v8 ,It’s been like 2 days trying to do it the new way but I gave up. Im building a simple react social media app for learning purposes. where each user logs in and be able to post some text (and images but not atm), I have a main collection
Users duplicate on Firestore when I use googleSignIn
I have two ways to register a user in Firebase: through email and through Google Sign In. I perform the user registration by email as follows: In other words, in addition to saving the user in Firebase Authentication, I also send their name and email to Firestore. And this is my first question: Is it the most effective way to
How can I decrement a field value from firestore after submitting a form successfully?
I have these collection of items from firestore: availability : true stocks: 100 item: item1 I kind of wanted to decrement the stocks after submitting the form: I have these where() to compare if what the user chose is the same item from the one saved in the firestore. This is how I’ll submit my form and I’ve set the
Firestore: What’s the pattern for adding new data in Web v9?
I have seen in many places that to access nested documents and collections the pattern is something like db.collection(“users”).doc(“frank”).collection(“pets”) etc. This makes a lot of sense to me and is easy to understand. The trouble is, my (React) project is set up in the Web version 9 way. I’ve combed the docs over and over and can’t see anything that