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Tag: generator

Javascript object generator

Is there a generator approach to constructing a mapping (object)? I just need key/value mapping. For generating array, I can write something like this Non generator approach to construct an object in a similar way can look like this Is there a generator approach to construct an object? Something like this Answer Try using Object.fromEntries: For one generator, you can

Weird behavior using a generator function with React

Below is my stripped-down component. It has a generator function that is supposed to cycle through values. The behaviour of this is weird. Getting a new value displayed on the button takes one click, then two clicks, then one click again and so forth. The state is “3” sometimes, however, only “1” and “2” are ever logged. I don’t understand

How can I retry function?

I’m developing a script for personal needs. I need to retry if an error returned, but I don’t know how to fix it. how to resolve it? But I get the following error: TypeError: You may only yield a function, promise, generator, array, or object, but the following object was passed: “[object Object]” Answer You can do it very generally

How to use generator function in typescript

I am trying to use generator function in typescript. But the compiler throws error error TS2339: Property ‘next’ does not exist on type Below is an closest sample of my code. Here is the playground link for the same Answer The next method exists on the generator that the function returns, not on the generator function itself.

hasNext() for ES6 Generator

How would I implement hasNext() method for a generator. I have tried many options like adding the generator as a return statement and yielding from the closure. Getting the first value printing it and then using the while etc, but none of them actually worked. I know I can use for of or while like How to loop the JavaScript

Can there be generator getters in classes?

I mean getters that are generators. All this is ES6+ I believe. Like this maybe. That doesn’t work through, I am placing the asterisk wrong (that is if this is possible at all) unexpected identifier * Answer There is no shorthand notation for this. You can however return a generator from a getter property without any difference: I would recommend

Can I use ES6’s arrow function syntax with generators? (arrow notation)

That is, how do I express with arrow syntax? I’ve tried all the combinations I could think of, and I can’t find any documentation on it. (I am currently using Node.js v0.11.14.) Answer Can I use ES6’s arrow function syntax with generators? You can’t. Sorry. According to MDN The function* statement (function keyword followed by an asterisk) defines a generator
