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Tag: fullcalendar-5

why i cant remove event using fullcalendar 5?

I created a calendar fullcalendar5 version 5, i add an event ,i show event in my calendar ,now i want to delete event but its give me error : Uncaught TypeError: $(…).fullCalendar is not a function. also when i want to see id value its give me undefined . i change code from $(‘#calendar’).fullCalendar(‘removeEvents’,; to event.remove() but also not

How can I resolve fullCalendar is not a function TypeError error?

I am instantiaing a calendar in my application using FullCalendar, and even though I can see the calendar on my webpage, I cannot execute the fullCalendar() function. It gives me a TypeError saying jquery.js:4050 jQuery.Deferred exception: calendarEl.fullCalendar is not a function TypeError: calendarEl.fullCalendar is not a function Here is the code: Answer You seem to be getting mixed up between
