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Tag: firebase

How to fix a this react filter?

I have created a database in firebase and I have fetch it in react, that is working correctly, but I want to include a search bar to filter the elements, my problem is that when I search for an element everything works but when I delete the text from the search input the elements do not appear again. Answer You

Firebase 9 – How to do new doc ref

Hello guys i’ve been trying to convert this code into modular firebase 9: fb8: const userRef = db.collection(‘Users’).doc(); to fb9: const userRef = doc(db, ‘Users’); But i’m getting this error: FirebaseError: Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but Users has 1. Please help! Answer The doc() method is equivalent to .collection(‘users’).doc(‘docID’) where you need

MFA Firebase & React Flow

I am trying to enroll a user with Multifactor authentication with Firebase following this setup guide: I am struggling to figure out how to have my function wait for the user inputted verification code after the code is sent to the user’s phone (I think this is why the code is erroring.) My current code snippet below will throw
