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Tag: firebase-authentication

_firebase_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.default.createUserWithEmailAndPassword is not a function in Vue Js

createUserWithEmailAndPassword function is not working for me. Below are my code – config.js useSignUp.js Tried a number of things- Delete node modules and install them again. Change the version of firebase as well Nothing working for me any solutions are appreciated. Thanks in Advance!! Answer when you importing the config.js file inside useSignUp.js you are setting the whole object as

Firebase .getIdToken() returns invalid token

I’m trying to make just a simple authentication app with electron and firebase redirect, but if the user is already logged in and I use the firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken() to get the IdToken of that user, but when i try that token in firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential) I get the error that says ERROR: auth/invalid-credential Here is my code front-end Here is my code back-end

firebase.auth().currentUser is null at page load

I successfully check the user’s authentication state with onAuthStateChange observer and redirect the user to the profile page. However, I already want to show some user-specific data on the profile, (e.g. description). For that, I need the currentUser object to be initialized and populated, which takes some time (I need uid from there to get some data from firestore). Thus,
