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Tag: facebook

how can I use facebook SDK in react

I’m currently using react, and by using react-facebook-rogin Library, I successfully made facebook login. However, there is no function for logout!. So I decided to use facebook SDK, however I don’t know how to use javascript code in react. according to facebook official document, I need to write following code in HTML. And after, this is the code for log

OpenCart theme problem with facebook messenger

I successfully integrated FB Messenger into my OpenCart website using the instructions from here Under the default theme, it works perfectly and as expected, but when I use the zeexo theme for some reason (I suspect js or css conflict??) it shows a white circle that does not respond to anything. How to overcome this problem? What part

Problem sharing panoramic (360º) images on Facebook with Open Graph API

For the past few days I’ve been trying to share a image (this one: on Facebook and I can’t get it to work with the interactive 360º view. If you download the image from the link and upload it manually the image works automatically, but I need to do it through the API. I’ve already tried it the FB.ui
