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Tag: expo

I can’t figure out how to work with the object returned by Firebase get query

I’m building a React Native app with Expo and integrating Firebase (real time database) which I know has some limitations ( I’m trying to get a snapshot of the data using await get(query(… and have successfully done so, but I can’t figure out exactly what I’m working with. When I console.log it I get this: I was trying to return

Expo SDK 43, No suitable URL request handler found for ph-upload://

After upgrade Expo SDK version from 41.0.0 to 43.0.0 I got a problem with uploading images to server. Error description: No suitable URL request handler found for ph-upload://A354049E-57C1-4478-B5C0-1DF56886F1AD. What I have noticed is that in error description I see ph-upload:// but if I log my photo it contains this: “uri”:”ph://A354049E-57C1-4478-B5C0-1DF56886F1AD”,”name”:”IMG_3702.JPG”,”type”:”photo”. The difference is ph-upload:// and ph://. This is my code:

`Firebase` package was successfully found. However, this package itself specifies a `main` module field that could not be resolved

I’m trying to read and write to firestore, use firebase’s authentication, and firebase’s storage within a expo managed react-native application. Full Error: My firebase config file: I installed the firebase package with: Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Answer To reduce the size of the app, firebase SDK (v9.0.0) became modular. You can no longer do the import
