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Tag: ecmascript-6

Is a JavaScript class an object?

I assume that an ES6 class is an object as “everything” is objects in JavaScript. Is that a correct assumption? Answer From the point of view of Object Oriented Programming class is not an object. It is an abstraction. And every object of that is a concrete instance of that abstraction. From the point of view of JavaScript, class is

Are TemplateObject arrays for tagged template literals weakly referenced by their realm?

The JavaScript runtime creates a frozen array like Object.freeze([‘str0 ‘, ‘ str1’]) but with an additional .raw property. Is it okay to use that object as a key in a WeakMap to avoid having to redo work based on the array each time through the loop? Section Runtime Semantics: GetTemplateObject ( templateLiteral ) describes how this value is cached:

How to flatten nested array of object using es6

I have this array of objects, within it I have another array of objects: How to get flat array of country like this: without using a forEach and a temp variable? When I did: I got the same structure back. Answer Latest edit All modern JS environments now support Array.prototype.flat and Array.prototype.flatMap Old answer No need for any ES6 magic,

Mock a dependency’s constructor Jest

I’m a newbie to Jest. I’ve managed to mock my own stuff, but seem to be stuck mocking a module. Specifically constructors. usage.js I’d like to do something like this in the tests. However when I come to use it in usage.js the cw is a mockConstructor not a FakeMetrics I realise that my approach might be ‘less than idiomatic’

Error is thrown but Jest’s `toThrow()` does not capture the error

Here is my error codes: As you can see the error did indeed occurred: Function FunctionThatDoesNotExistsInString does not exists in string.. However it is not captured as a pass in Jest. Here is my codes: Answer expect(fn).toThrow() expects a function fn that, when called, throws an exception. However you are calling CheckFunctionExistenceByStr immediatelly, which causes the function to throw before

Javascript – Template Strings Don’t Pretty Print Objects

Can I use ES6 template strings to pretty print javascript objects? This is from a React Native project, with console.log() outputting to Chrome debugging tools. What I Want outputs Template String Attempt outputs Question How do I get the first output (with the pretty printing) using template strings? Answer Your first example does not actually output a string to the

Export default was not found

I have a Vue 2 project, and I’ve written a simple function for translating months in dates, which I would like to import in one of my components, but I’m getting an error: export ‘default’ (imported as ‘translateDate’) was not found in ‘@/utils/date-translation’ The relative file path from the src folder is correct, and I am exporting the function like

How do I filter out a key from an object?

I have following object in JS. How can I select all keys except the first financial_year and put it into a new empty object? I understand I can do something like obj[“mainline_revenue”] to select individual elements but its a long list and I don’t want to type elements keys individually. New object would look like this: Answer You could just
