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Tag: ecmascript-6

In Vue, what parameters does createElement() actually get?

(This is a further question after this one: In Vue, what is the relationship of template, render, VNode?) Found createElement()’s source code (from here): Code main.js: (partly) App.vue: Questions A. In App.vue, export default {} will return an empty object, is that correct? B. In main.js: B-1. import App from ‘./App.vue’, will bind App to the empty object, is that

how to put a file in state variable with react hooks

I’m trying to upload a picture using react hooks however I’m getting the following error: when I change the onChangePicture to the picture variable is undefined, any help would be appreciated. Answer I think you meant to do: This will concatenate the first file to all current files. Remember to use const [picture, setPicture] = useState([]); as to make sure

Add elements inside Array conditionally in JavaScript

When I try to merge two objects using the spread operator conditionally, it works when the condition is true or false: When I try to use the same logic with Arrays, it only works when the condition is true: If the condition is false an error is thrown: Why is the behaviour different between Array and Object? Answer When you

How do I `.filter()` an array/object and return a new array with the original keys and not as an indexed array/object as filter return?

I want to filter all (“isActive” === 0) but keep the key set the same (which is equal to the user id) when returning the newObj: This is what I have now: which returns indexed keys no for loops (unless the ES6 .forEach() is a must). I would like an ES6 approach to this problem using filter/map/reduce if possible in
