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Tag: drag

How to make a draggable for touch?

I want the orange rectangle to be draggable using mouse or touch. The function for the mouse is working for me, so I tried copying it and replacing mousedown with ontouchstart, mousemove with ontouchmove and mouseup with ontouchend but it doesn’t seem to move. Any suggestions? Thanks! Answer For one, the names of your events are incorrect. Omit the on

Position of a dragged latlon Google Map JavaScript

Below code shows the path between two latlongs : The code always works, I can see the path all the time when I drag those two latlongs. But I want to get the position of latlongs after dragging. How can I do that? I tried to put alerts in various places in the codes but none of them worked. Can

Move (drag/pan) and zoom object (image or div) in pure js

I’m working on a little script that makes an object (div or img) moveable and zoomable within a given frame. However I came across a few problems I’m not really sure of, because I’m a javascript beginner – so explanation of why those problems occure would be appreciated. Problems: Calling the functions start_drag(), while_drag() and stop_drag() returns undefined – why

Detecting keydown/up events during HTML5 native drag

I’ve an element that can be dragged using native HTML5. It has dragstart, drag, and dragend event listeners assigned to it. In addition, I also have keydown and keyup event listeners assigned to document.body element. When dragging the draggable element, ondrag event will fire as expected. When I press & release any key while not dragging anything, document.body keydown/up events
