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Tag: data-visualization

D3 Stacked Bar Chart: Bars Overlap

I’m building an interactive bar chart with D3 (version 4). Users may choose a single category (this works fine as coded below) or they can view all categories, in which case the color-coded bars should be stacked. The issue is that I’m not sure how to manipulate the y-coordinates so that each bar is placed above another when the user

Create a scale for bands with different width in D3.js

We have projects, which are assigned to different teams. Now I have to create project timelines. For the purposes of this question I have created a dummy in The “dummy” data look like this: The time is displayed on the x axis and there is a horizontal bar for every project stretching from the start_date to the end_date.

Visualize a nested JSON structure

Consider this JSON object : Obviously this is a nested data structure, and there are many records, in this example in the deepest level we have about 2000 records. what is the best way to visualize this in a responsive and interactive manner. I have already used the table, and it doesn’t look that interactive. I am looking for ideas
