I am trying to overlay some HTML code over a website’s image using <iframe> and CSS. The website is a weather-monitoring website (which we’ve purchase btw), that I want to overlay with my own HTML code and image. Is it possible to “hook” into one portion of the image with my own image? I want it hooked (so-to-speak, pardon my
Tag: css
Image jumping to last position translation movement
I have some buttons that move an image with translation, but when I press one button then another and then the first one again, it jumps to where I was the the last time I pressed the first button. Here is the JavaScript responsible for moving the image. Answer basically creating two objects inside a JSON variable. x and y
Input tag validation
I have just an input tag with the following logic: https://codepen.io/ion-ciorba/pen/MWVWpmR I have a minimum value coming from the database(400 in this case), the logic is good but the user interaction with the component is really bad, the user can’t input a value that is below 400, I want something else that won’t block the user from typing, maybe some
Javascript Improve collapsing element
I have created this toggle script which works well but I need to improve it so that onclick, any previously collapsed (i.e. open) subcats would simultaneously close and only the one clicked should collapse (i.e. open). Answer First, loop through the open elements and remove the class and set max height to null. Then do your normal code. I also
How to connect internal Bootsrap 5.2 with laravel 7
Hey i still learning laravel framework and i try to connect my bootstrap v.5.2 with my laravel v.7 project but it cant connect, i store css and js folder on bootsrap folder in the same level as app, config, database public, etc. and i already tried to connect it with the code: but it still cant connect? Answer Put Your
How to make the span to fill empty space on current line and continue to show remaining text on next line
In the below code snippet example, after marked word science and theory there is a empty space at the end. Forcing the next span element to appear on the newline. How to make the next span element after marked word to fill the empty space. and then the remaining words of that span should continue display on new line? So
CSS – Issues animating child on parent hover?
I have looked at Move HTML element upwards on hover and I know how to define the CSS animation I want, however given the other animations at play in this snippet I am running into issues animating a child element on parent hover. Snippet: This is the animation I want to apply to only the text of the nav bar
element is position absolute but must still relative in parentDiv to make it like slider
So my problem here is that I want to make a slider in parentDiv but I make a simple example which is when I click the item it will become the main screen of the screen border…but in opposite when I click it over again it will turn back.. I’m using gsap but you don’t have to worried about the
How to override CSS property while using a toggle button
I’m building a responsive top navbar with a toggle button, and trying to change a CSS property from display:none to display:block, but I can’t get it to work. The menu is receiving the class “show” with the display:block property in it, from the toggle button (confirmed watching the code on dev tools of the browser), but the old display:none is
Display div based upon datalist selection
This has probably been asked about before, but after several hours of looking I can’t seem to find anything. I have a datalist which is meant to display a div based on your selection of the datalist. Whatever I do, I can’t seem to find out how to do it. The best I can get to work is have both