I don’t know why I’m not able to make the menu item to the corresponding active class highlighted. The active classes are working fine, they pop up and disappear as they should and in the appropriate places. But I don’t know why it just won’t show up on the menu bar. I would like it so that when I scroll
Tag: css
Moving canvas with translate() method
According to MDN documentation translate() method “moves the canvas and its origin” but the below code does not move the border of the canvas. If the translate() method moves the canvas shouldn’t the border move as well? Answer I don’t quite understand what you are trying to do. If you want to offset your canva, why not just do this?
I want to have the navigation fully displayed in full screen and hamburger in phone width
I am not sure how to look for this information online, so I want to ask here. I want to have the nav bar display fully on full-screen media query but in a hamburger when phone width. Any direction would be appreciated. Answer Heres one example https://codepen.io/alvarotrigo/pen/MWEJEWG
Show and hide div in react js
How do I hide my page “section” when I click on a button. and show it another button is clicked Here’s my code how do i make the onClick event work it out? Answer Just set a state let’s call it for example hide and set default value false, and on the button click turn it to true. And you
Using RequestAnimationFrame to create Fade in effect
I know this can be done by using CSS transition, however this 2 seconds fade-in exercise has to be done by using requestAnimationFrame, below is my code, it shows the picture but no fade in effect, also the render process is not smooth. Could you tell me where i get wrong and how to correct it? Thanks very much. Answer
Hide search elements in Javascript
In the following example code I want to hide the elements that show under the search field. Code is from W3: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_filter_lists.asp Search elements should only show when users starts typing in the search field. Nothing complex just looking for solution for beginner. Thanks Answer Just set display: none to #myUL li and change in your js add li[i].style.display =
Output string after sring.split(“”).map breaks into pieces on small screens
With great help from @pratik-wadekar I have the following working text animation. Now my problem is that when I test it on different screen sizes/mobile the animated word plants breaks into pieces. For example PLA and in the next line NTS. How can I avoid this? So it always keeps as one full word. First I tried to add xC2xA0
How to clear setinterval() when resizing and inside condition Using Jquery
I’, trying to run this functin only on mobile devices which is less than 768px , it works on this screen width but it also ignore the condition and works on larger screens than 768px, i tried to clear interval but there is something wrong with my code Answer Based on your code I moved things around to factor behaviours
JavaScript validation for username and password not working in html file
I am creating a program called “Login & Sign-up Form”. The program involve Java Servlet, HTML, CSS which are working fine and JavaScript which i am having problem. I am using JavaScript to validate the username, password and email before submitting them. However, when i click on the “Submit” button, it directly goes to page showing “log @ register success”
How to change class name after X seconds of time using Jquery
I want to loop the class name ‘move’ over all the divs, so if the first div has the class name ‘move’, i want to remove it and then add it to the next element in every three seconds Answer