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Tag: css

Grid display separates when viewed fullscreen

I’m having trouble understanding whats going on with a grid I created. I made some code for a grid via javascript that changes the cell color when the mousepointer passes over it, however whenever I view this grid in a fullscreen window the view of the grid changes to four separate columns. This only happens when I look at the

How to make content delay using CSS and Jquery

I am attempting to create a page where the content on the screen appears 3 seconds after the page loads. By the other posts I have seen on this website, I attempted the scripting below, though with no success (Everything appears at the same time). First is the section I am attempting to delay, then is the whole pages script.

cant change the backgroud after updating the hook

i have a hook that holds number (as index) and array of images: i made two buttons that hold onClick event that should change the background to another image (by index): and the functions: by this the hook (currentIndex) should change and display the next image but its not working. what am i missing? this is the style for the

Js .classList.add() is not working properly

I’m in a procces of creaing simple movie site. cruntly working there home page. in the home page there is a carosol. in CSS I hidden the visibility of all slide. what I’m going do is in JS creat a array for all silds and switch between silds when I clicked the arrow icon. as a first stem I want

After clicking button, alert is not showing up

I am doing a project on paper-rock-scissor that has UI. So, I have four buttons, Start game, rock, paper and scissor. I want if I click on the Start game button, an alert (“Please choose rock, paper, or scissor”) will pop-up. Right now if I click on the Start game. There’s nothing happening. I have no idea why? Below are
