I just started with anime.js and wrote this basic code, but it doesn’t work. I had installed anime through npm, and when it didn’t work also included the cdn (line no-6) Can anyone tell where I’m going wrong..? Answer Your element does not exist when you execute the document.querySelector statement Wrap your code in a load event listener And I
Tag: css-animations
CSS Shimmer effect with blocking JavaScript
I have a shimmer React component with the following CSS and the animation keyframe I apply to it is as follows: My home page is quite heavy on mount. So the animation freezes for about a second or so. I read that animating transition is done off-thread https://www.phpied.com/css-animations-off-the-ui-thread/ Can anyone help me do my shimmer effect in a similar off-thread
Trigger CSS Animations in JavaScript
I don’t know how to use JQuery, so I need a method which could trigger an animation using JavaScript only. I need to call/trigger CSS Animation when the user scrolls the page. Answer The simplest method to trigger CSS animations is by adding or removing a class – how to do this with pure Javascript you can read here: How
Insert Multiple CSS rules into a stylesheet
Okay, So I need to add rules to a style sheet, but it also needs to be cross browser, so I need multiple rules. Now I can get one working (Chrome) with a singular line. However, I can’t find any documentation or anything related to multiple lines. The idea is to add multiple css animations using browser prefixes as well,