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Tag: compilation

Module not found without ‘.js’ in the end of import filepath

I think solution is not hard, I’ve just something obvious. I have a simple project on TS. Without any modules, just TS for compilation. TS-files compiling into js-files at dist folder, and than they all connect into app.js(ts), which connect at index.html(structure of project you can see on photo). When files compilated, there aren’t any errors, but browser can’t find

In V8, what is lazy deoptimization, and how does it happen?

According to V8 source code and turbofan materials, there is a type of deoptimization called lazy deoptimization which is described as follows(v8/src/common/globals.h): Lazy: the code has been marked as dependent on some assumption which is checked elsewhere and can trigger deoptimization the next time the code is executed. However, when observing the execution of ‘v8/test/mjsunit/compiler/deopt-lazy-shape-mutation.js’ with d8, I found that
