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Tag: bots

Discord.Intents(32767) vs [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS]?

Do you know why the “message sent” is displayed only with the first solution? And not with this? (That is the example code on the discord.js documentation.) The bot is ready in both solutions, but I don’t get why only in the first one when I send a message in the server the bot detects it, maybe because I don’t

Bot isn’t listening to guildMemberAdd

I signed up just a few moments ago because something was really bothering me: I have the following code: For some reason, when I leave and rejoin the server, the embed isn’t sending at all to the channel. I am getting no errors in the console. Any ideas on what may have gone wrong? Thanks. 🙂 Answer You need ‘Server

Discord.js user isnt mentioned

I have a problem with sending messages when a user is tagged or not, I’m working on the pp command (as in dankmemer) but after adding the code so that I can tag a person the bot crashes, what I mean is that after tagging a person it will send a message in the title it will say the user’s

Kick command | discord.js

I’ve made a kick command for my bot, everything works fine but everyone can use it. I want that only people who have perms to use this command. Is there any solution to fix this problem? This is my code: Please help me! Thank you! Answer Use:
