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Tag: bots

Change footer regarding on image in discord.js

When the image of an embed is randomized, is there a way to change the footer regarding on the image that is used in a message? I have tried if(images = “[link]”) embed.setFooter(“Hello!”) But then this footer is on every image, not just on one. Now three “=” because of the comment instead of 1 🙂 Complete code: Full code

Discord guilds.join OAuth2 in JS

I am making a bot for Discord (node.js) and I want to have it’s oauth2 so when the user adds the bot to their server and accepts the oauth app permissions, the user is automatically joined into my bot support server. I’ve seen do this, and I want to do something similar. How would I do this in Javascript?

How can I delete a message after sending it?

I have a code that sends a message when a member joins the guild and I want to shortly delete it afterwards. My code: I tried embed.delete or just the classic msg.delete but it doesn’t work as I can/don’t know how to define “msg” as the last msg the bot has sent. Answer kanal.send(embed) returns a promise. You can use

Discord music bot: prefix not defined

I wanted to make a music discord bot and I’ve been having trouble with it for a while. and I keep getting an error and I got this code from CodeLyon’s video called “Make Your Own Discord Bot | Music Bot (Play, Skip, Stop Commands)” I keep getting the same error when I try it: ReferenceError: PREFIX is not defined

Discord.js Mention, User Undefined

EDIT: I have found the solution by myself, thank you everybody who sees this post! The solution is : That is the solution to this problem, it’s not the same as but at least it works now! Original: I’m having a little problem with my script! Any help would be highly appreciated! Here’s the problem: This is the first

How to respond with embeds

Currently I am trying to work on my bot and update its responses. Right now I am trying to use the code below to make it respond with the random embeds I made. For some reason when doing using this code the bot either responds with “NaN” or “3”? Answer The purpose of: Is to generate a pseudo-random integer between

How can I make the avatar appear in large format?

I’m new to all this, sorry for my stupidity :c is my first discord bot! when I give the command !avatar on discord, the avatar comes out very small on the right of the embed Answer Thumbnails are small. You would need to place the avatar in .setImage() then have it set to scale up to 256 in size This
