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Tag: arrays

Javascript – Count number of consecutive character occurrences

I have been trying to solve this problem for some time now and I have partially managed to achieve it. I am trying to write a function that will return a nested array, each array element will contain the number of consecutive chars found in a given string. For example: for the given string “aaaabccaadeeee”, the function should return nested

Only half of array gets raised to power

I wanted to create binary to decimal calculator. When i tried to console log both of arrays (binary is array of 0’s and 1’s, binarypos is array of numbers that are powers of 2. Screenshot Then i created simpler version, made in console so chance of making a mistake lowered to zero. But the bug appears again! I want it

How do I use $addToSet with objects in mongodb?

I want to push only unique objects into an array with $addToSet. My userSchema has a field bankDetails which should take an array of objects: I am updating the schema using the following controller function: The data is saving correctly but Mongo auto generates an _id field every time so technically none of the objects are unique and the objects

New Set Array returing Wrong data

I am trying to get distinct coaGrpId from ldgrwisesum useState but getting null values in array object and length as 310 which is my requires array object. below is the ldgrwisesum useState from where i stored the data i am expecting o/p in variable b .Below is the Expected output I have getting 310 times null value in array and

Javascript compare two tables

I need help with comparing two tables that presents like this: I need to check if the table A contains numbers from table B and to put it in another array: Expected output: Tried a few things but nothing works out for me. The table.includes method gives me following output }); // That is the output of above isAdded =

Is there a way to use “indirect addressing” for JavaScript arrays?

I have a 2d JavaScript array like this: where products is an object with elements {“itemid”:”na”, “books”:10, “dvds”:15, “cds”:4} I need to be able to set the itemid with something like and then be able to read the value of the books element with something like: Is this possible with JS arrays? I done some searching and can’t find anything,
