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Tag: angular8

Highlight specific words in textarea angular 8

I am trying to select a few words from the textarea and create bootstrap chips. I am able to create the chips for selected words. I am trying to highlight the selected words with different background colors. I am not sure how to highlight the words in the selectedText array. I want to highlight all chip words. Like “Contrary”, “Ipsum”,

convert js into typescript into angular 8

Below code is working fine in javascript. But when i tried the same in Angular 8 I am getting lot of error Errors signUpButton.addEventListener(‘click’, () => { ~ error TS1003: Identifier expected. please let me know how to convert this into Typescript Answer In Angular, It’s better to not use eventListeners rather use event binding in your HTML code. Your

Angular: Date Timezone Global parameter setting

I am searching for a way to Convert all-new Dates upon construction/declaration to Pacific Standard time. (Without every developer in team manually setting the timezone) Additionally, dates displayed should be showed in Pacific Timezone when displaying in HTML, console.log, etc How can this be done? Is there a global parameter in Angular to set this, maybe in the config files?
