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Solved – Vue dynamically add style to :active pseudo class

HIGHLIGHT: This is a solved problem.

Edit: Solved the problem using @Amaarockz’s advice!

I haven’t had much experience in CSS variables & complicated :style structures, but turned out they’re great!

Original question:

I have a menu built with Vue.js (and Vuetify), data passed in from the backend like:


Menu looks like:



I want to know, how can I dynamically make the items in a different color when they have :active pseudo-class?

What I’ve tried:

  • Write something in “style” attribute of list items:
    • Failed, as I can’t add a selector in <element style=””>, only styles.
  • Use an attribute like “active-color” defined by Vuetify:
    • Failed, such things don’t exist.
  • Dynamically add colors to the “v–btn-active” class, which Vuetify adds automatically:
    • Failed, I can’t find a way to do this seperately for each button.
  • Watch when the :active pseudo-class appears, add style in the listener:
    • Somehow MutationObserver didn’t work for me.
    • getElementsByClassName[0] keeps getting “null”. I tried writing that in windows.onload, nothing changed.
    • One time it returned the correct node, and I was able to watch the class mutation. But I can’t reproduce that even though nothing changed in the code.
  • Add one different class to every button, and write seperate CSS for them using JavaScript:
    • Perhaps doable, but code’s going to be extremely ugly & difficult to maintain.
    • Besides, it’s hard to overwrite Vuetify’s default style outsides <element style>; you have to add !important.

Last two attempts are what I think more hopeful. Is there any way to work through?



Try using pseudo class like

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