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Regex validation string 4th and 6th special character optional validations

I am trying to make a regex validation and the condition is that, whatever I have typed in 4th character it should same as 6th character from special character(- .) dash or dot

So if I have typed 4th character as – then 6th also must be – and if dot then should be dot.

Also these character can be optional. So If the string don’t have 4th character as special character(-.) then 6th also should not be have special character

Note: First 3 character must be number and 5th character also number

For example :

123-3- valid
123.4. valid
123-6. invalid
123.7- invalid
1234 valid
12-34 invalid
123.4 invalid

What I am trying is below


Any help will be appreciated!!



You can write the pattern with a single optional capture group and an optional backreference, or match 4 digits.

  • ^ Start of string
  • (?: Non capture group for the alternation
    • d{3}([-.])d1 Match 3 digits, capture one or - or . and then match a digit followed by the same captured char using a backreference 1
    • | Or
    • d{4}
  • ) Close non capture group
  • $ End of string

Regex demo

Or a bit shorter, matching 3 digits followed by either a digit between the same . or -, or just a single digit:


Regex demo
