I am trying to use lazy loading in react. I have imported lazy and Suspense components from react. The page doesn’t show anything again. but the error I got is:
Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. Instead received: [object Object]. Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: undefined. Promise elements must resolve to a class or function.
This is SibaCard Component
export class SibaCard extends React.Component<ICardProps, ICardState> { constructor(props: ICardProps) { super(props); this.state = {expanded: true}; } expandChange = () => { this.setState((prevState: any) => ({ expanded: !prevState.expanded })); } style = { headerStyle: { borderBottom: "2px solid #258ECB", marginBottom: "1em", background: "linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.0),rgba(0,0,0,0.02))" }, containerStyle: { } } render() { return ( <Card style={{ border: "1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",marginTop: "4.5em", boxShadow:"none" }} expanded={this.state.expanded} expandable={false} containerStyle={this.style.containerStyle} onExpandChange={this.expandChange.bind(this)} > <CardHeader title={this.props.title} subtitle={this.props.subTitle} actAsExpander={false} showExpandableButton={true} style={this.style.headerStyle} /> <CardText expandable={true}> {this.props.children} </CardText> </Card> ); } }
This is the component I am importing the Sibacard
import * as React from 'react'; const lazy = (React as any).lazy; const Suspense =(React as any).Suspense ; import { SingleSetup, ISingleSetupProps } from "../../../Shared/Views/SingleSetup"; import { LovDropDown } from "../../../Shared/Views/FormComponents"; import { LoanRepaymentScheduleService } from "../../Services/LoanRepaymentSchedule/LoanRepaymentScheduleService"; import { RaisedButton } from "material-ui/RaisedButton"; const SibaCard = lazy(() => import('../../../Shared/Views/SibaCard')); export class LoanPayOff extends SingleSetup<ILoanRepaymentSchedule>{ loanrepaymentservice:LoanRepaymentScheduleService; employeeservice:EmployeeService; loantypeService:LoanTypeService; constructor(props: ISingleSetupProps<ILoanRepaymentSchedule>){ super(props,{ id: 0, employeeId: "", principalAmt: 0, },[ grid definition ],[ ], new LoanRepaymentScheduleService(),{ list: "" }); this.formId = "loanrepayForm"; } render() { return (<div> {this.actionMenu(false, true, false)} <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}> <div className="" style={{ marginTop: "4.5em" }}> <SibaCard title="Employee Loan Pay Off Form" subTitle="Enter details below"> <FormField> <form id="loanrepayForm" className="row"> <div className="col-sm-4"> <LovDropDown id="employeeId" title="Employee" label="Employee" name="employeeId" required={true} value={this.state.model.employeeId} onChange= {this.fieldChange.bind(this)} service= {this.employeeservice.getLov.bind(this.employeeservice)}/> <Input label="Terms To Pay" name="list" type="number" value = {this.state.props.list} onChange= {this.propChange.bind(this)} /> </div> <div className="col-sm-4"> <LovDropDown label="Loan Type" title="Loan Type" id="loanTypeCode" name="loanTypeCode" required={true} value={this.state.model.loanTypeCode} service={this.loantypeService.getLov.bind(this.loantypeService)} onChange={this.fieldChange.bind(this)} /> </div> <div className="col-sm-4"> <RaisedButton icon={<FileFileDownload className="ico" color="#7ED321"/>} backgroundColor="rgba(0,0,0,0.3)" style={{ float: "none",paddingLeft:"4px",paddingRight:"4px" }} label="Search" onClick={this.LoadDetails.bind(this)} /> <RaisedButton icon={<FileFileDownload className="ico" color="#7ED321"/>} backgroundColor="rgba(0,0,0,0.3)" style={{ float: "none",paddingLeft:"4px",paddingRight:"4px" }} label="Pay Off" onClick={this.PayOff.bind(this)} /> </div> </form> </FormField> <div className=""> {this.MultiSelectGrid()} </div> </SibaCard> </div> {console.log(this.state.selectedRow.length)} {console.log(this.state)} {this.viewConstants()} </Suspense> </div>); } }
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
The docs state that:
takes a function that must call a dynamicimport()
. This must return aPromise
which resolves to a module with adefault
export containing a React component.
If you change your export of the SibaCard
component from a named export to a default export it should work as expected.
export default class SibaCard extends React.Component<ICardProps, ICardState> { // ... }