I have some clearable select, and I want to reset the applets
field in state to an empty array.
const defaultFormValues = { device: { ...initialDevice }, applets: [] }; const { control, getValues, setValue, reset, handleSubmit } = useForm<CreateDeviceFormData>({ mode: "all", reValidateMode: "onChange", defaultValues: defaultFormValues, resolver: yupResolver(validationSchema), }); const onChangeHandler = React.useCallback( (value: Experience | null) => { if (value) { setValue("applets", getApplets(value)); } else { setValue("applets", []); // reset(defaultFormValues); } setValue("device.experience_id", value ? value.id : undefined); }, [templateSelector, setValue], ); console.log("current data", getValues(), control); return ( <> <SomeAutocompleteComponent control={control} onChange={onChangeHandler} /> <SelectAppletsComponent control={control} /> </> ); export const SelectAppletsComponent = ({ control, onChange }) => { const applets = useWatch({ control, name: "applets" }) as Applet[]; const device = useWatch({ control, name: "device" }) as Device; if (!applets.length) { return null; } return ( <SpanWrapper className="p-col-8"> {applets.map((applet) => ( <LabelRadio key={applet.id} inputId={applet.applet_type} value={applet.applet_type} label={applet.name} checked={device.applet_type === applet.applet_type} onChange={onChange} /> ))} </SpanWrapper> ); };
the problem is that clearing the selection on UI with setValue("applets", []);
not working for some reason, and I don’t understand why, and how to do it without reset
method, which resets the whole state, not just single property as I understand
You should always register fields if you want to use them as RHF’s form state.
React.useEffect(() => { register("applets"); }, [register]);
This fixes an issue.
Also a new method resetField
is available