For a website I am working on I have made a component with checkboxes that triggers a state change in a parent component. I have checked in the console through the child component that the state is changed, but I want the parent component to “notice” the change too. I have tried useEffect and componentDidUpdate but they both do not get triggered by the state change.
To clarify, the structure looks like this:
Parent: Has the initial state Child: Gets access to state through parent, and changes state
On a page refresh the parent notices the state change, but I want this without having to refresh the page.
I hope this makes sense, thank you in advance 🙂
Is this what you are looking for?
import React, { useState } from "react"; const Parent = () => { const [someState, setSomeState] = useState("Initial Some State"); const onChangeSomeState = (newSomeState) => { setSomeState(newSomeState); }; return ( <div> Parent: <Child someState={someState} onChangeSomeState={onChangeSomeState} ></Child> </div> ); }; const Child = ({ someState, onChangeSomeState }) => { const handleChangeStateClick = () => { onChangeSomeState("New Some State from Child"); }; return ( <div> Child:{someState} <input type="button" onClick={handleChangeStateClick} value="Change state from Child" ></input> </div> ); }; export default Parent;