So i basically trying to get string value from database into an Array using Sequelize:
{ "status": "success", "data": [ { "id": 15, "title": "The Godfather", "year": 1972, "director": "Francis Ford Coppola", "categoryFilm": "R", "Url": ",0,100,100_AL_.jpg,,0,100,100_AL_.jpg,,0,100,100_AL_.jpg", "genre": [ { "genre": "Crime,Drama" } ] } ] }
with my code showed as below, i try sequelize literal to change it but i cannot resolve how to turn it from string into array and split it by “,” (comma):
const allFilm = async (req, res) => { await Film.findAll({ attributes: [ "id", "title", "year", "director", [sequelize.literal(`"category"."category"`), "categoryFilm"], [sequelize.literal(`"photo"."photoUrl"`), "Url"], ], subQuery: false, include: [ { model: Genre, as: "genre", attributes: ["genre"], }, { model: Category, as: "category", attributes: [], }, { model: Photo, as: "photo", attributes: [], }, ], }) .then((data) => { res.status(200).json({ status: "success", data: data, }); }) .catch((err) => { res.status(400).json({ status: err, }); }); };
what i want is like this is there is somthing wrong with my code since i find no error but i can not resolved it into array:
"Url": [",0,100,100_AL_.jpg",",0,100,100_AL_.jpg",",0,100,100_AL_.jpg"],
I can’t answer your question, but you can maybe try that : From Load attributes from associated model in sequelize.js
await Film.findAll({ attributes: [ "id", "title", "year", "director", [sequelize.literal(`"category"."category"`), "categoryFilm"], [Sequelize.col('photo.photoUrl'), 'Url'] // here ], subQuery: false, raw:true, // here include: [ { model: Genre, as: "genre", attributes: ["genre"], }, { model: Category, as: "category", attributes: [], }, { model: Photo, as: "photo", attributes: [], required: false, // here }, ], })