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arrays disappearing in method scope

I am trying to create a class to my javascript game to add multiplayer but within the class i am having problems with the values of arrays changing as you can see in the sendNetEntities() function I think im having problems with variables somehow being references of something instead of instances. But im not entirely sure all of the rules

Creating an dropdown menu using a Vue instance

I switched from React to Vue and for me there are some incomprehensible nuances I want to create a drop-down menu, but I have some incomprehensible things related to this who is familiar with React knows that you can create a certain property with a boolean value inside a state or using hooks then when clicking on the buttons, use

Angular Date Picker is always invalid

I have an angular date picker within a reactive form with a required validator. The problem is that it is always not valid, even when a date is picked. Strangely the control does not display red when it is invalid. Do I need to do some manual css rules for this? HTML and Typescript below. A stackblitz of the issue

Prevent regex from becoming greedy when using optional tokens?

I’m trying to use regex to extract information from different strings. For example, I have the following JSON: and want to write a regex that extracts into capture groups (1) the text up to the colon, (2) the text up to the comma, (3) the comma if exists, and (4) the text after the comma. Starting with the comma being

Temporary disable Next.js pages on build

There are SSR-related problems with several pages in Next.js project that results in errors on npm run build and prevent the project from being built: For example, bar: As a quick fix, it may be convenient to just not build bar/*.* pages and make routes unavailable. Can pages be ignored on Next.js build without physically changing or removing page component

CORS problem – Access to fetch at *** from origin *** has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ – PUT request to Firebase

I have CORS problem, I am sending an put request for updating data – posts into Firebase with React: I have this notification error in console With post request – to add new posts everything is working fine. Has someone solution for this problem? Answer If you access your database over HTTPS, you need to access the JSON version of

How to dynamically update the components in ReactJS

I am new to React and I don’t know how to overcome the below situation. Let say I have to display a table.In Table <td> i have one dropdown which I got from my child component.And also have some <div> next to the dropdown. So,for each dropdown change, i have to bind some html into that <div>.Below line is working

Pixi.js – How to fix texture blur on mobile?

I have 2 separate projects which draw a randomized grass tilemap, which are using 2 different methods (personally want to see which is more convenient/efficient). One is using only Canvas, the other using Pixi.js. They both work fine on PC, but when I use cordova to compile it as an Android app, pixi.js tileset has a blur Regular Canvas/Cordova Pixi.js/Cordova
