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JS Regex to find href of several a tags

I need a regex to find the contents of the hrefs from these a tags : Just the urls, not the href/ tags. I’m parsing a plain text ajax request here, so I need a regex. Answer You can try this regex: Example at: Update: or easier via non greedy method:

Express and ejs <%= to render a JSON

In my index.ejs I have this code: In my node I have However, on the page I obtain and if I write I obtain: Is there a way to pass a JSON that will be JS readable? Answer Oh that was easy, don’t use <%=, use <%- instead. For example: The first one will render in HTML, the second one

Copy folder recursively in Node.js

Is there an easier way to copy a folder and all its content without manually doing a sequence of fs.readir, fs.readfile, fs.writefile recursively? I am just wondering if I’m missing a function which would ideally work like this: Regarding this historic question. Note that fs.cp and fs.cpSync can copy folders recursively and are available in Node v16+ Answer Since Node

How to create a timer

I have a $dbSessionDuration variable where by using mysqli, it is able to bind the result of data from the query into this variable. The $dbSessionDuration variable holds time so the variable has a time format as below: 01:30:10 Now that means 1 hour 30 mins and 10 seconds. What I want to do is display $dbSessionDuration value in a

javascript – Uncaught ReferenceError: keys is not defined

I am getting an error when I run the following command in an included script. But if I run the command from the google chrome console, it works properly. Error: What’s going on here? How can I use the keys function in an included script? Answer keys() is not function provided by the browser for use in your code. You

how to read extjs data store

I want to read a particular value of an extjs data store and manipulate it locally. Response xml looks like : My store will have just one user entry when response is received and i want to read ‘bname’ value. So far i have tried two approaches and both giving error. approach1: Running above code gives error that ‘Ext.define is

Javascript/jQuery – Display inches in feet and inches

I’m making a BMI calculator (see JSFiddle – and I want the height in inches to display in feet and inches. I also want the weight in pounds to be displayed in stones and pounds. This is the code I’m using to convert the slider value to cm and inches: My js knowledge isn’t great – especially when it

Bypassing transition and changing a property instantly

I want to bypass CSS transition and change a property instantly. I tried to set transition-duration to 0s before the change and then set transition-duration back to its original value: Fiddle This obviously doesn’t work. I understand that the spec does not define that behavior for this: Since this specification does not define when computed values change, and thus what
