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What are major differences between Controlled and Uncontrolled Components in react-hooks-form?

I am using react hooks form. I read from documentation about controlled and uncontrolled. Controlled and this is UnControlled form Can somebody please tell what difference does it makes? And what do i gain by making controlled components instead of uncontrolled? Answer React Hook Form embraces uncontrolled form and input, which means you can still build controlled form and input

how to place sliced images into a javascript table

I have to place images into a table, only using java script. I have this so far., and i am unsure of how to get the images to actually display as actual images for the javascript table. My teacher told us to use document.write, any help will be appreciated. Answer You need to use something like below for image:

compare an array and object to see if item exists

I have the following: An array then I have an array of objects How can I check if myArray value is found in the myObjectArray? I thought about looping through myArray and then in each iteration looping through myObjectArray to see if it is present. However this seems so 2001. Any ideas? Answer if you want to check if an

Angular FormBuilder US Phone Number Regex (xxx) xxx-xxxx

I am trying to write an Angular Regex validator, which matches this and only this pattern for phone, spaces exact How can this be done? Working on this Code: Trying to add the space, after the first parenthesis, not sure if correct Answer You need to Add a literal space (or s to allow any whitespace) exactly at the location

moving inline javascript to separate file

I was trying to copy and learn from this turorial: but I wanted to move the inline javascript to a separate .js file in Visual Studio Code. This made the code run incorrectly and I cannot for my live figure out why. I’ve tried to structure it differently but I’m to unfamiliar with javascript to figure out whats wrong.
