I am using vuetify v-data-table to display data. The issue I am facing here is No Settings Yet message always shows for like 1 second and then displays the data. Its like no data message loads first and then the actual data shows up. Is there a way to fix this.
<template> <div> <v-card> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="settings" hide-default-footer disable-pagination :mobile-breakpoint="0"> <template slot="top" v-if="isLoading"> <v-progress-linear indeterminate color="red" ></v-progress-linear> </template> <template slot="item" slot-scope="props"> <tr> <td>{{ props.item.name }}</td> <td>{{ props.item.value }}</td> </tr> </template> <template slot="no-data" > <v-alert id='no-data' :value="true" color="error" icon="warning"> No Settings Yet </v-alert> </template> </v-data-table> </v-card> </div> </template> <script> export default { data: function() { return { settings: [], headers: [ { text: 'Name', value: 'name'}, { text: 'Value', value: 'value'}, { text: 'Actions', sortable: false} ], isLoading: false } }, created() { this.fetchSettings(); }, methods: { fetchSettings() { var that = this; that.isLoading = true; this.$axios.get('/settings.json') .then(response => { that.settings = response.data; that.isLoading = false; }); } } } </script>
I think you can do this by adding v-if directive in no-data slot like below example
<template slot="no-data" v-if="!isLoading"> <v-alert id='no-data' :value="true" color="error" icon="warning"> No Settings Yet </v-alert> </template>