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Multiple Row Edit Functionality in React

I am trying to implement an edit row functionality in a react grid. I have attached 2 links. Link 1 is the GIF which shows the functionality that I have implemented using the below code.(For privacy reasons I cannot publish the actual code)

Link 2 is the functionality I am trying to achieve! How shall I do that?


Link 1 – The Functionality I have (Individual Row)

Link 2 – The Functionality I want (Multiple Rows)



I’d assume editId is a local state variable, same for editRow So what you’d need to do is change editId into a state called editIds as an array (because you want to edit multiple rows, not just one), and replace editId === Id with editIds.includes(Id)

  • onEditClick: should add the rowId into this state, like setEditIds(...editIds, rowId)
  • onSave/CancelClick: should remove the id from the state, like: setEditIds(editIds.filter((id) => id !== rowId))
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