I am trying to hide the markers behind my cluster and only have them show when the marker is clicked.
This is how it appears:
However when I click the cluster and exit it, it goes back to how it should look (second pic)
(This is how I want it to look originally)
This is my code:
var markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(); markers.addLayer(L.marker([currentLatitude, currentLongitude], { icon: populationIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup( `The population of ${thisCountry.countryName} is ${thisCountry.countryPopulation}.`)); markers.addLayer(capitalMarker = L.marker([currentLatitude, currentLongitude], { icon: cityIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup( `The capital city of ${thisCountry.countryName} is ${thisCountry.countryCapital}.`)); markers.addLayer(carMarker = L.marker([currentLatitude, currentLongitude], { icon: carIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup( `They drive on the ${thisCountry.carSide} of the road in ${thisCountry.countryName}.`)); //add cluster to map mymap.addLayer(markers);
You are adding the created marker to the map too and this is wrong (icon: carIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(
markers.addLayer(carMarker = L.marker([currentLatitude, currentLongitude], { icon: carIcon }) .addTo(mymap) .bindPopup(`They drive on the ${thisCountry.carSide} of the road in ${thisCountry.countryName}.`));
markers.addLayer(carMarker = L.marker([currentLatitude, currentLongitude], { icon: carIcon }) .bindPopup(`They drive on the ${thisCountry.carSide} of the road in ${thisCountry.countryName}.`));