I’m using pretty old Material UI (Ver. 0.20.1) components.
Here’s a chunk of my code:
return( <> <Card> <CardHeader actAsExpander={true} showExpandableButton={true} title = {user.name} subtitle={`${user.email}, ${user.phone}, ${user.isproved ? "Yes" : "No"}, Friends: ${user.friends? user.friends : "None"}`} /> </Card>)
So i have a subtitle string with a bunch of variables in it that i wanted to use a line break to separate visually but adding n
or even '...string' + <br/> + 'string...'
doesn’t work. What should i do?
I can’t test in a sandBox but if we look in the version 0.20.1 documentation of Material-ui we can read that:
property: subtitle type: node Can be used to render a subtitle in Card Header.
so you can create a node for example a list:
const subtitle =<ul><li>{user.email},</li><li>{user.phone},</li><li> {user.isproved ? "Yes" : "No"},</li><li> Friends: {user.friends? user.friends : "None"}</li></ul>;
and pass it to subtitle
like this:
return( <> <Card> <CardHeader actAsExpander={true} showExpandableButton={true} title = {user.name} subtitle={subtitle} /> </Card> </> )
I found a codeSanbox template so here a working example