I want to keep the TabButton stay highlighted after clicked on it, so I know which tab I currently active.
Like original TabButton when I click on Surface tab it will stay highlighted even though I click on it’s child tabs. (see image below, these tabs are active Surface > Reflect > Base > Reflect Lights)
but when I apply my style on “TabButton” it doesn’t work:
As you can see these tabs (Surface > Reflect > Base) are not highlighted, but only Reflect Lights, even though if I click on anything else it will lose its highlight.
Here is my “TabButtom” code:
import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 TabButton{ id: control contentItem: Text { text: control.text font: control.font opacity: 1.0 color: "#C4C4C4" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } background: Rectangle { Layout.fillHeight: true gradient: Gradient{ id: gradientId GradientStop{ position: 1.0; color: control.enabled ? control.pressed ? "#3C3C3C" : control.activeFocus ? "#3C3C3C" : control.hovered ? "#323232" : "#303030" : "#303030" } GradientStop{ position: 0.0; color: control.enabled ? control.pressed ? "#555555" : control.activeFocus ? "#222222" : control.hovered ? "#565656" : "#545454" : "#545454" } } opacity: 1 border{ color: "#000000" width: 1 } } }
That much I know that I’m missing something in style, cause without my custom style it will work, and I couldn’t find anything regarding that in Customizing Qt Quick Controls 2 documentation.
any idea?
Thanks in advance.
I found it after looking at customizing-toolbutton documentation.
well basically need to use control.checked
instead of control.activeFocus