I’m trying to invoke a Blazor method in JavaScript inside of an OnSuccess callback for the Plaid API.
Here’s the JavaScript that’s being run:
async function InitializePlaidLink(objRef, linkToken) {
//console.log("linkToken:" + linkToken);
const handler = Plaid.create({
token: linkToken,
onSuccess: (public_token, metadata) => {
//console.log("public_token: ");
objRef.invokeMethodAsync('OnPlaidLinkSuccess', public_token);
//console.log("After Invoke Method Async")
onLoad: () => {},
onExit: (err, metadata) => {},
onEvent: (eventName, metadata) => {},
//required for OAuth; if not using OAuth, set to null or omit:
//receivedRedirectUri: window.location.href,
Here’s the Blazor code being used:
private string LinkToken { get; set; } = string.Empty;
private string PublicToken { get; set; } = string.Empty;
private async Task InitializePlaid()
this.LinkToken = await this.apiService.GetPlaidLinkToken();
var dotNetReference = DotNetObjectReference.Create(this);
await this.jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync
public void OnPlaidLinkSuccess(string publicToken)
this.PublicToken = publicToken;
The Blazor method InitializePlaid is being called to invoke the JS method InitializePlaidLink. Then, on success, the Blazor method OnPlaidLink Success should be called.
I used log statements to confirm that there is a public_token and the JS after the objRef.invokeMethodAsync() is being reached. Also I was able to invoke a Blazor method in a similar way with a different JS method, just not a method with the Plaid API and the onSuccess callback.
was being called correctly. The property this.PublicToken
was being correctly updated, but the DOM was not being updated for the user to see. Calling this.StateHasChanged()
fixed this.