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Javascript / Vue JS – Retrieve value of all elements in object

I have an object that retrieves 4 different elements with different numerical values. I’m trying to access and retrieve all these numerical values.

The object returns the following:

{__ob__: Observer}
  collectedTrashCount: 139
  dangerousAreaCount: 11
  schoolCount: 5
  trashBinCount: 44

If I want to retrieve the value of the collectedTrashCount, I would simply do the following:

computed: {
    dashboardList: function () {
      return this.$store.getters.getDashboard;
    checkCount: function () {

The console.log in this case would give me 139.

My question is: What should I do to return all these values such as: 139, 11, 5, 44?



You could use entries method to map that values in an array :

checkCount: function () {
   return Object.entries(this.dashboardList).map(([key, val]) => val)
