I have the following. What is basically happening is I’m prefilling all the dropdowns/select options. I then retrieve the data for the current record and select the appropriate value for each dropdown/select option.
$(dropdowns_sql).each(function (key, value) {
var sql = value.sql;
var dropdown = value.dropdown;
$.post(d + '/inc/db.asp', {
type: value.sql
}, function (data) {
json_object = JSON.parse(data);
}).done(function () {
$.each(json_object, function (k, v) {
$('#' + dropdown).append($("<option></option>").attr("value", v[sql]).text(v[sql]));
My question is how I can ensure that get_record_data();
is run after the loop has finished? As you can see I make POST requests within the loop so what I am finding is that sometimes these don’t finish before get_record_data();
is called.
I did try:
$( document ).ajaxStop(function() {
However since get_record_data();
is doing an AJAX request as well, I am finding it just goes into an infinite loop
function get_record_data() {
$.post(d + '/inc/db.asp', {
type: 'get_record',
id: complex_record_id
}, function (data) {
Any suggestions? I need support for IE11 as well.
Know how many elements are in dropdowns_sql, make a count var and include the get_record_data call within the done function for the last element.
Something like:
var count = dropdowns_sql.length;
$(dropdowns_sql).each(function (key, value) {
var sql = value.sql;
var dropdown = value.dropdown;
$.post(d + '/inc/db.asp', {
type: value.sql
}, function (data) {
json_object = JSON.parse(data);
}).done(function () {
$.each(json_object, function (k, v) {
$('#' + dropdown).append($("<option></option>").attr("value", v[sql]).text(v[sql]));
if (!--count) get_record_data();