I have been using this function for calculating factorial numbers in JavaScript:
var f = [];
function factorial (n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1)
return 1;
if (f[n] > 0)
return f[n];
return f[n] = factorial(n-1) * n;
All seemed to be going well until I tried the number 500
. It returned infinity
Is there a way that I can prevent infinity
as an answer?
Thank you.
You indeed need to use bignumbers. With math.js you can do:
// configure math.js to work with enough precision to do our calculation
math.config({precision: 2000});
// evaluate the factorial using a bignumber value
var value = math.bignumber(500);
var result = math.factorial(value);
// output the results
console.log(math.format(result, {notation: 'fixed'}));
This will output: