I created a Series object from my data, like so:
But I don’t know how to actually implement the Series object to scale and bind the data, here is my code:
function render(svg) { // const xValue = d => d['Population (2020)']; // const yValue = d => d['Country (or dependency)']; // const xExtent = d3.extent(world_population, xValue); // const xScale = d3 // .scaleLinear() // .domain(xExtent) // .range([0, width]); // const yScale = d3 // .scaleBand() // .domain(world_population.map(yValue)) // .range([0, height]); const xValue = d => d.data; const yValue = d => d.index; const xExtent = d3.extent(plot_data.values); const xScale = d3 .scaleLinear() .domain(xExtent) .range([0, width]); const yScale = d3 .scaleBand() .domain(plot_data.index) .range([0, height]); const selection = d3.select(svg); selection .selectAll('rect') .data(plot_data) .enter() .append('rect') .attr('fill', 'slateblue') .attr('y', d => yScale(d.index)) .attr('width', d => xScale(d.data)) .attr('height', yScale.bandwidth()); }
Any help or pointers will be much appreciated.
The real question here is about your data structure: how to switch to a more convenient one for D3.js purposes?
As you highlighted, we have keys in plot_data.index_arr
, and data in plot_data.data
By doing a map
over index_arr
we get the indexes.
The second argument to the callback i
is the index which we can use to get the data, by accessing plot_data.data[i]
newData = plot_data.index_arr.map((d,i) => [d, plot_data.data[i]])
Once done, we can put them however we want: here I put them in an array, but you can put them in a {key:value} object or a Map object.
plot_data={ index_arr:['a',"b", "c"], data:[1,2,3] } console.log(plot_data.index_arr.map((d,i) => [d, plot_data.data[i]]))