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Inserting text content using same class multiple times

I’m currently trying to insert text content that change depending of image validation using a single class for multiple divs. Any help is appreciate!


<div id="trophies"><img id="trophyimage" src="//user/trophies/A.png" height="100" width="100">
<span id="text-content" class="spaner"></span></div>
<div id="trophies"><img id="trophyimage" src="//user/trophies/B.png" height="100" width="100">
<span id="text-content" class="spaner"></span></div>
<div id="trophies"><img id="trophyimage" src="//user/trophies/C.png" height="100" width="100">
<span id="text-content" class="spaner"></span></div>

Right now using the next Javascript it’s inserting the text content but it only does it once per “.spanner” class, not in the rest.


 var trophy = document.getElementById("trophyimage");
 if(trophy.src == "...//user/trophies/A.png"){
   var x = document.getElementsByClassName("spaner")[0]; 
   x.textContent = "Trophy A";
 else if (trophy.src == "...//user/trophies/B.png"){
   var x = document.getElementsByClassName("spaner")[0];
   x.textContent = "Trophy B";
 else{ var x = document.getElementsByClassName("spaner");
   x.textContent = "Null";

I’m trying to figure out how to make it work using something like this:


var trophiestext = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("spaner"));
trophiestext.forEach(function(troph) {
  var trophy = document.getElementById("trophyimage");
  if(trophy.src == "...//user/trophies/A.png"){
    var x = document.getElementsByClassName("spaner"); 
    x.textContent = "Trophy A";
  else if (trophy.src == "...//user/trophies/B.png"){
    var x = document.getElementsByClassName("spaner");
    x.textContent = "Trophy B";
  else{ var x = document.getElementsByClassName("spaner");
    x.textContent = "Null";

Thanks in advance!



First off, there is a problem, multiple HTML elements cannot share the same id attribute, you must switch them for classes, also “//user/trophies/A.png” is probably not a valid directory


<div class="trophies">
    <img class="trophyimage" src="../user/trophies/A.png" height="100" width="100">
    <span class="text-content spanner"></span>
<div class="trophies">
    <img class="trophyimage" src="../user/trophies/B.png" height="100" width="100">
    <span class="text-content spanner"></span>
<div class="trophies">
    <img class="trophyimage" src="../user/trophies/C.png" height="100" width="100">
    <span class="text-content spanner"></span>

Now, JavaScript can handle your HTML much better


// Don't forget the dot before the word trophies
const trophies = document.querySelectorAll('.trophies')

trophies.forEach(element => {
    const img = element.querySelector('.trophyimage')
    const src = img.getAttribute('src')
    const span = element.querySelector('.spanner')

    // change for the src to fit your files
    if (src === '../user/trophies/A.png') span.innerText = 'Trophy A'
    else if (src === '../user/trophies/B.png') span.innerText = 'Trophy B'
    else span.innerText = 'Null' // Actually writes the word null, for no text use empty quotes

If you need more help, just reply to this answer 🙂
