I’m getting an error (eslint): Line 199 exceeds maximum line length of 120. (max-len)
Why doesn’t this inline comment work?
{/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */} <Chip ref="code" style={styles.chip}backgroundColor={this.state.filterSelected['School Code'] && blue300}onTouchTap={this.handleTouchTap} > <Avatar size={32}>C</Avatar> School Code </Chip>
and eslint-disable-next-line
are only in inline comments.
There is currently an open issue for this in eslint
So you would have to write it as the following:
{ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len }<Chip ref="code" style={styles.chip}backgroundColor={this.state.filterSelected['School Code'] && blue300}onTouchTap={this.handleTouchTap} > <Avatar size={32}>C</Avatar> School Code </Chip>