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Import statements breaks script setup Nuxtjs 3

It seems that when I’m using the import statement in the <script setup> all code below it stops working.

I installed the @heroicons package and use the import statement to use it as a component in my <template>. But everything below the import statements does not work anymore. My code:


When running the code above I do not see “username” as a heading as specified in my code. I also see a ESlint warning

myName is declared but it’s value is never read

The moment I comment the import statement, the myName ref seems to work again.

What I use:

  • VS Code
  • Nuxtjs 3
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Heroicons package
  • PNPM as package manager



I fixed the various issues, I’ll take the reference of your code here for the changelog:

  • <HomeIcon> wasn’t closed aka <HomeIcon />
  • vue was missing as a dependency for @heroicons
  • PNPM needed to be shamefully hoist to work properly
  • clean reinstall of your node_modules + pnpm-lock.yaml

Here is the Pull request with the various fixes:

User contributions licensed under: CC BY-SA
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