I’m trying to implement a localStorage for my dark mode, but I can’t do it, whats the best way to do it so?
Here is my working JS / Html code, what I need is no
<div class="mode-switch"> <button class="mode magic-hover" id="menu-btn" onclick="theme()"></button> </div> <script> function theme() { var element = document.body; element.classList.toggle("darkmode"); } <script>
To set it:
function theme() { var element = document.body; element.classList.toggle("darkmode"); let newmode = element.classList.contains('darkmode') ? 'darkmode' : 'lightmode'; localStorage.setItem('mode', newmode) }
to get it
window.onload = function() { let newmode = localStorage.getItem('mode') || ""; document.body.classList.add(newmode); }